Custom Waverly Tuners
For the baritone uke we worked with StewMac to have a custom set of Waverly tuners made. For those of you who are not familiar with Waverly, they are the top end house brand from the luthier supplier StewMac. They are great tuners, hand made just up the road from me in Bozeman, Montana. Ironically, they were shipped from Bozeman to StewMac in Athens, Ohio, and then shipped back to me in Bozeman!
Normally, Waverly does not offer the uke tuners in the relic nickel finish. My client was ready to pay the price for a full set of six Waverly guitar tuners in with this finish. The guitar tuners have a slightly longer post, but could have worked fine on a baritone uke. So I contacted StewMac about buying a partial set of the guitar tuners. The said, "No problem." But also suggested that they contact Waverly to see if they can make a set of the uke tuners with the relic finish. I think the custom finish uke tuners were only about $10 more than the regular tuners.
These are going to look great on the uke. And my client is extremely happy.